Making a Good First Impression With Your Pageant Paperwork

Never judge a book by its cover. We hear that saying over and over; and yet, the fact remains that we all make assumptions about people, places or things by their outward appearance.  The contents of a particular book may be the exact information we are seeking, but we’ll never get a chance to read it because the cover didn’t capture our attention. We didn’t even pull it from the shelf because something about it initially turned us off.

But if the outside is pleasing to you, your first thought may be “Hmm, this book looks interesting. Let me see what’s on the inside.” Although it’s not impossible, it is harder to reverse a bad first impression.

The first impression that the pageant director, staff and judges form of you is from your submitted paperwork and photo.  [Read more…]

The Secret to Winning In the Interview Room

On the road to Nebraska again :). It’s been four years since all of my siblings were together. We all traveled to my sisters over Easter to be with my dad who has terminal cancer. Since it is a seventeen hour drive ONE WAY, the girls and I had lots of time to [Read more…]

Pageant Paperwork: Your First Impression and Foundation For High Interview Scores.

Technorati Tags: Pageant Paperwork
Never judge a book by its cover. We hear that saying over and over; and yet, the fact remains that we all make assumptions about people, places or things by their outward appearance. The contents of a particular book may be the exact information we are seeking, but we’ll never get a chance to read it because the cover didn’t capture our attention. We didn’t even pull it from the shelf because something about it initially turned us off. But if the outside is pleasing to you, your first thought may be “Hmm, this book looks interesting. Let me see what’s on the inside.” Although not impossible, it’s hard to reverse a bad first impression.

The first impression that the pageant director, staff and judges form of you is from your submitted paperwork and photo. [Read more…]

Pageant Interview Question Tell Me About Yourself

Time and time again I hear from my clients that interview creates a tremendous amount of stress.  First, they dread what the judges will ask during interview.  Secondly, they freak out over how to answer the question perfectly.   Below I cover one way to answer the most common question asked in the interview room- tell me about yourself. [Read more…]