The Secret to Winning In the Interview Room

On the road to Nebraska again :). It’s been four years since all of my siblings were together. We all traveled to my sisters over Easter to be with my dad who has terminal cancer. Since it is a seventeen hour drive ONE WAY, the girls and I had lots of time to talk, reflect, and watch all six Harry Potter movies TWICE.

My kids and I don’t have cell phones and thus are not yet part of the “texting” world. My siblings, nieces and nephews however are very quick at this skill. One would think that with all the technological advancements in communications that interpersonal relationships would be thriving. However, my observation has been that instead of enhancing relationships, many times these devices are used to take the place of face to face verbal dialogue. The ability to have a conversation I fear is becoming a lost art form. So many feelings, emotions, and intentions are conveyed non-verbally that if left to just a quick “text” or “tweet” the message is left open to many interpretations. Let’s face it , an “lol” will never be as good as belly laugh of a best friend. For me texting is like watching a silent black and white movie; whereas sitting down to chat is the complete Blu Ray experience.

Technology is one way to reach out to people over the miles, but it will never be the same as sitting around a table sharing stories and connecting with the people you love. You need to take the time to talk with people.

The secret to winning in the interview room is how good you are at having a conversation with the judges. A conversation is in active exchange of listening and talking WITH people- not AT them. You need to learn how to relay important information in a personal, easy going manner. That means taking more time to talk with people face-to-face. Once you become a master conversationalist, you will win in the interview room.


by Rhonda Shappert
April 7, 2010 00:16