Let go of the need for things to be a particular way, and enjoy life just as it is. Let go of the assumption that you must always have something more, and find true enjoyment in all that is already in your life.

Dream big, meaningful dreams and make detailed, effective plans for bringing those dreams about. Live forward toward those dreams, but don’t ever postpone your enjoyment of life.

You are worthy of the very best that is in this moment, so fully accept it and experience it. This moment is worthy of the best that’s within you, so generously give of yourself.

Live the value that is your life right now. Even in the most ordinary moments, life is as rich and fulfilling as you choose to make it.

If you’re always waiting for later, or for things to get better, you’ll miss out on the very opportunities that will lift you ever higher. Instead, have confidence in the value of where you now are and what you now have.

Live now, and live as if you are the richest person who has ever lived. Because when you do, you are.

— Ralph Marston

Happy New Year Everyone! May 2011 be filled with more blessings and love than you can imagine.

Successful Pageant Preparation and Planning

There are three days left until we ring in 2011.

Are you ready? For those of you who have known me for awhile, you know I’m all about living each moment to the fullest and moving forward. Moving forward many times means change must occur. Does that word scare you?

Some people view change as a scary and negative event. I’ve always looked at change through the eyes of hope and filled with possibilities. What dreams and hopes do you have for 2011? How are you going [Read more…]

Pageants and Reality TV

mrs america 2005 078Today, reality TV shows are numerous; and pageants aren’t left out. Mrs. America, Mrs. World, Miss America, Miss USA, Miss Universe, Miss Teen USA, Little Miss Perfect, MTV’s MADE, and Toddlers and Tiaras have all had their share of TV coverage. But how does what you see on your screen compare to the real event?

Here’s the reality about television [Read more…]

How to Avoid Pageant Burnout

Doing more pageants may not get you better results. In fact, doing too much too soon is the fastest way to burnout. There is a fine line between

[Read more…]

How To Fill Out Pageant Paperwork

With great excitement you’ve paid your pageant fee and have received your information packet from the director.But wait…what’s all this paperwork? “Oh well, I’ll read it later”, you might say as you toss it onto the huge paper pile in the corner, or if it’s digital, put it in the “to read later” folder. You eagerly jump into your car and head to the nearest mall to begin shopping for your pageant wardrobe. You find some really cute things on clearance and buy them on the spot.

Weeks go by and you receive an email from your director informing you that she hasn’t received your necessary paperwork yet and it’s due tomorrow. What? You had to send in additional stuff? Now you’re in panic mode. Where’s [Read more…]

Cinderella International Pageant System

Two of my daughters were Ohio royalty and loved their experience with Cinderella. Today, Ohio state director, Judy Kyees, will share some of her insights into this pageant system.

Judy Kyees is [Read more…]

Miss Columbus Teen Pageant

2010 Miss Columbus Teen Royalty

The Miss Columbus Teen Pageant is open to all teens who reside in the state of Ohio and are between the ages of 13 and 18. Like I state in my special report, 10 Insider Secrets To Winning, whenever learning about a pageant system, it’s important to talk to the person who knows everything about it-the director.

Judy Kyees has been the director of the Miss Columbus Teen Pageant for the past 9 years. In that time, the organization has awarded over $20,000 in scholarships and prizes.

The Miss Columbus Teen Pageant takes place every January at Capital University, Mees Auditorium in Bexley, Ohio. [Read more…]

Raising Money To Do Pageants

You will spend more money preparing for a pageant than you will earn in monetary winnings. Most people don’t do pageants for the money. Instead it’s for the priceless opportunities that present themselves by growing through the process.


Is the investment worth it?  [Read more…]

Comparing Yourself To Other Pageant Contestants

Comparing yourself to other pageant contestants will only end in defeat. When a contestant starts focusing on the other girls (or ladies), the tendency is to compare their own perceived weaknesses to another’s perceived strengths. It’s like comparing an apple to an orange. The two aren’t similar at all. They’re totally different.
Which would you choose- an apple, orange or banana? The appearance, nutritional value and taste of these fruits are completely different; and, I didn’t give you much information on which to base your decision. You don’t know if I want you to eat the piece of fruit fresh from the refrigerator, bake it in a recipe or juice it. Your decision will be influenced based on the purpose the fruit will serve.
Let’s say I wanted you to bake a pie. You would most likely choose the apple. That doesn’t mean the banana and orange are bad. They’re just not a fit for what is needed at the time. But if I wanted orange juice or banana bread, the selection would be different.

When a person starts to play the apples to oranges game at a pageant, that’s when the negative self talk sets in. All the reasons why they’re not good enough start running through their head; and they eliminate themselves from the opportunity. Or, it can go the other way. Through the comparison game, they have come to the conclusion that they’re the superior choice and they expect to win. The line between arrogance and confidence may be thin; but the energy between the two is huge and everyone can feel it.

Here’s the deal. At a pageant, you have no idea if the judges are looking for an apple, orange or banana. It’s their job to select the one person that will best represent and serve the needs of the pageant at that time. The directors inform the judges as to what qualities and requirements to look for in the titleholder.


Let’s say they’re all the traits of an apple. The judges are looking for the best apple in the bunch. You may be the perfect banana; but they’re not looking for a banana this year. They’re looking for an apple. It’s not to say an apple is better than a banana. But the apple is a better fit for the direction or purpose of that pageant on that day.
This is something you have no control over. Each year the needs of the pageant are different so you can’t say, “this pageant picks only oranges” or “I need to be an orange to win”. LOL. You can’t successfully become someone else any more than an apple can change into a banana. All you can be is the best version of you at the time of the pageant.

If you want to discover what makes you unique, contact me  to get started.

The comparison game can affect all areas of a person’s life. In comparing jobs, marriages, children, and material objects, people aren’t appreciating the unique traits about themselves. What areas of your life have you been comparing yourself to someone or something else? How’s that way of thinking working for you? Awareness of your thoughts is the first step to moving towards change, if that’s what you desire.

Rhonda Shappert
September 29, 2010 04:36

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Keeping Your Pageant Swimsuit Body


Yes, you can! I share these photos of myself to give you hope, and here’s why. All of the above photos were taken 5 years ago when I was 39 years old and actively competing. One of the reasons I chose to reenter the pageant world after having my third baby was to get my swimsuit body back. I wish I could share [Read more…]