The Power of A Picture

Never underestimate the power of your headshot.

Your pageant headshot immediately speaks to the person looking at it. The expression in your eyes, the position of your body, and the clothing you wear gives clues into your personality and values. Here are 5 quick tips for you to keep in mind for your photo shoot.

  • Bring 4-5 tops and dresses which have interesting necklines and collars. Straps do not photograph well.
  • Bring lots of accessories. Big beautiful earrings draw attention to your face.
  • Matte eye shadows photograph best.
  • Make sure your fingernails are clean and neat.
  • For teens and women, a set of false eyelashes really make your eyes pop in the photo.


One more thought regarding your personal image and photos. In today’s society, it is so easy to post photos on the internet. Once a person hits “send”, it’s out there forever. One careless image could have lasting repercussions in your life. Always be aware of what’s around you in your photos.

For example, you may not drink alcohol. However, if you are standing in a group photo and other people in the picture are holding beer bottles and acting obnoxious, by association, people are going to think you’re the same way.
A photo is worth a thousand words. Just make sure they are the words you endorse and can live by.