Will a Former Pageant Titleholder Always Win Over a New Contestant?

You have your dream dress and you’re physically ready for the pageant. You’re feeling confident and excited, and then it happens. You arrive at the pageant and you see her, Patty, the national queen from the age division below you. Patty has aged up and is now in your division. Quick, what are you thinking?

If thoughts like “I’m not as good as her, why bother” or “she has this in the bag” start running through your head, STOP thinking them immediately.

Assuming because a contestant won a prior pageant guarantees her the crown this time, is the mindset that could eliminate you from the pageant before it begins.
This thought process happens more often than you think. If you’ve ever felt like this, take comfort in knowing you’re not alone. However, if these thoughts continue to occupy your mind during the pageant, your self-doubt and lack of confidence will come through in everything you say and do. The judges and the audience will pick up on this negative energy and the crown will go to someone else.
So what can you do if you find yourself in this trap? Start speaking the truth to yourself.
Just because it happened in the past doesn’t mean it’s going to happen again.Why you may ask?

  • Each pageant is different. Every pageant system has a different scoring system and values different qualities. Each pageant has a different director and contestants. Each pageant is a clean slate.
  • Different set of judges look for different things. The judging panel will be different every year which means the results will vary. Judging is subjective so everyone’s opinion will be different.
  • People peak at different times in their lives. No one stays the same. Everyone goes through growth and changes physically, emotionally, mentally and spiritually. Directors, judges and contestants alike. This is just a fact of life. The only life we have any say so about is our own so focus on you.

Positive statements such as “I possess everything needed to be Miss___” and “I know exactly what I will do with this opportunity when given the chance” will keep you in a positive mindset. This will only work however, if you really believe the statement. That’s why the inner game is really where the pageant is won or lost. If you spend all of your preparation time on the outer game of hair, wardrobe, and makeup, you’re underestimating the power of your mind.

Perhaps the reason Patty has won several titles is because she has mastered her inner game and is no longer controlled by assumptions, comparisons and negative self-talk that hold her back. Then again, you don’t know what is going on in Patty’s life at this moment.

Every pageant is a fresh start. Make no assumptions about the final outcome. Every pageant is filled with surprises.

This week when you’re confronted with one of your assumptions, stop for a moment and ask yourself, just because this happened before, what makes me think that it has to happen again? What in your life is different now that will lead to a different end result?

By Rhonda Shappert
May 18, 2010 21:49