Pageant Interview Question Tell Me About Yourself

Time and time again I hear from my clients that interview creates a tremendous amount of stress.  First, they dread what the judges will ask during interview.  Secondly, they freak out over how to answer the question perfectly.   Below I cover one way to answer the most common question asked in the interview room- tell me about yourself. [Read more…]

How To Deal With The Disappointment of Not Winning the Title

DSCF3545Three envelopes containing the results from the dance audition arrived in the mail . Two were thick and one is thin. I handed the envelopes to each child in a very normal, matter of fact way, and waited. It’s painful to handle my own personal disappointments; but, it’s excruciating when it happens to one of my kids. [Read more…]

How to Calm Your Nerves in 3 Seconds

“…And in no particular order, the first top ten semi-finalist for the national title of Ms. American Woman is…(drum roll)”
I felt  every beat of my heart.  I was light headed , dizzy, and thought I was going to faint.  [Read more…]

Pageant Preparation: What Do I Do First.

One of my favorite movies is The Sound of Music. I love the scene where Maria (Julie Andrews) asks the children to sing along with her, and their response is that they don’t know how to sing. Shocked at the very thought that anyone couldn’t do such a basic skill she “starts at the very beginning” and teaches the children the simple abc’s of music. Maria explains that these simple steps are the tools upon which all songs are built.

“When you know the notes to sing, you can sing most anything”. Within minutes, the children are singing beautiful songs with complicated rhythms and harmonies. But they had to master the basics first.

Pageantry is no different but it will take longer than a 3 minute song :). For the most part, you can’t just grab a dress out of your closet, arrive at the pageant and expect to have a winning experience. There are basic steps that need to be addressed first before you move on to the more complicated areas. [Read more…]